In 1929, Artur Gorovei addressed an invitation to all „distinguished collaborators” of the magazine „Şezătoarea”, whose autobiographies were to be published in the 26th volume hereof, which though was not published. Moses Gaster was one of the very few collaborators who answered the invitation. The autobiography was used by Artur Gorovei when he was to publish the paper M. Gaster şi folclorul românesc (in the Yearly Magazine „Anuarul Arhivei de Folclor”, Cluj, VII/1945). Sent by M. Gaster as an annex to a letter of 30 October 1929, his autobiography preserves, as a typed copy, in the large archive, of more than 200.000 documents, which he left nowadays as a constitutive part of the special Collections of the Library of College University in London. It was fully reproduced, with very few additions and corrections by the editor, as it was, as far as it is known, the second autobiography of Moses Gaster, in terms of size, but also for the fact that it is a proof of the friendship and collaboration relations between the two great intellectuals of the epoch.