The urban folklore is not so appreciated and studied in comparison to the rural folklore. More than that, it had to face the hostility of authorities, which hardly can accept its bawdy language and the lack of morality. So, in 1864, the authorities of Iasi city forbade its representations, considering them being scandalous. It is, above all, the prohibition of the popular theatre named Irozii, which was played by Romanians, Jews, Greeks and Armenians. In reality, Irozii influenced the Purim plays of the Romanian Jews. We also found several acts about the license given by the Iasi Hall to Ion Hangan, to organize a puppet carnival, on the condition of not exceeding a certain common sense and of paying the due taxes.
Keywords: urban folklore, irozi, Purim, popular theater, Iasi, Romanians, Jews, Greeks, Armenians.
Cuvinte-cheie: folclor urban, irozi, Purim, teatru popular, Iaşi, români, evrei, greci, armeni.