My text is an approach of ethnic cuisine in Romania, as particularly regards the hanklich dish among Saxons in the village of Cisnădioara – Michelsberg (Sibiu County). Two main ethnographic traits are examined, in terms of the hanklich general addressability in the Saxon community life (based on the local rites of passage), and the hanklich diffusion to another coexisting ethnicity in the Southern Transylvania, namely the Romanians. These facts show, on the one hand, the hanklich integration into the Saxon cultural heritage, as well as its cross-cultural convertibility, on the other.
Keywords: Saxons, Southern Transylvania, hanklich, folk cuisine, rite of passage, Nachbarschaft (Neighbourhood).
Cuvinte-cheie: saşi, sudul Transilvaniei, hanklich, bucătărie etnică, rit de trecere, Vecinătate.