The author presents the activity in the field of historiography of Teodor T. Burada, who is best known for his works of ethnography, folklore and, mainly, musicology. Burada’s contributions in the field of history consisted in the publishing of unedited documents and inscriptions, in the presentations of historical events or personalities to the general public. Specialized reviews, such as “Revista de Istorie, Arheologie și Filologie”, partially “Arhiva. Organul Societății Științifice și Literare din Iași”, and the local daily newspaper “Evenimentul”, were the publications that included Burada’s contributions to the field of historiography.
Keywords: Teodor T. Burada, churches, inscriptions, publishing, documents, Iași, Ștefan cel Mare.
Cuvinte-cheie: Teodor T. Burada, biserici, inscripții, editare, documente, Iași, Ștefan cel Mare.