In the past, human societies were much more connected to nature than the contemporary ones; they had a lot of knowledge about it and passed it on from generation to generation. Trees always had a special role in the evolution of the human community. Although a very important tree for many nations, including the Romanians, few investigations have been carried out by researchers on the cherry tree; this article focuses, therefore, on providing further information regarding the above mentioned tree. Romanians appreciate the cherry tree for the fact that all its components (fruits, leaves, wood, resin, bark, twigs) are useful; the fruits have always been used in making various types of food (alcoholic drinks, syrups, “chiseliţă”, compotes, jams, sweets, pies), the wood – as building material (souvenirs, sculptures, furniture, whistles, floors), its leaves, fruits, buds or resin have been used in both natural medicine, as treatments for diarrhea, pyelonephritis, cystitis, kidney diseases or for improving intestinal activity, and veterinary medicine. Traditional customs make use of the cheery tree fruits and branches, while usage of the term cherry is recorded in several expressions.
Keywords: sweet cherry, sour cherry, food, alcoholic drinks, tea, natural medicine, wood.
Cuvinte-cheie: cireş, vişin, alimentaţie, băuturi alcoolice, ceai, medicină naturistă, lemn.