In this anniversary article, the author presents some aspects related to the activity of the Ethnography Museum of Bacău. The Ethnography Museum of Bacău has been founded in 1971 and became a constituent part of “Iulian Antonescu” Museum Complex. At present, it contains a collection of over 4000 pieces from the three ethnographic areas of Bacău county – “Bacău”, “Trotuş” and “Colinele Tutovei”. The birth certificate of the collection can be considered the donation made by priest Vasile Heisu from Răcăciuni commune in the year 1971. He donated about
700 ethnography and folk art pieces. Part of these objects, mainly folk costumes and interior textiles, were integrated in the permanent exhibition inaugurated in the year 1972 at the headquarters of the City Hall of Răcăciuni Commune. Over the five decades since its foundation, the collection of the Ethnography Museum of Bacău has grown richer and richer due to acquisitions and donations. At present, it includes interior textiles (rugs, carpets, blankets, towels and so on), folk costumes, ceramics, wood art, objects that illustrate the main and secondary occupations, the traditional handicrafts or customs. The heritage is completed by photographs and negatives.
The collection of the Ethnography Museum of Bacău is formed by a number of almost 300 carpets and rugs, cloths and blankets, dated the 19th century or the beginning of the last century. The collection of folk costumes is formed by over 1000 beautiful pieces from all the ethnographic areas of our county. And in this case, we have items from the end of the 19th century and the first half of the last century, such as fine samples of pleated peasant woman skirts, cotton and raw silk shirts, various raw silk head kerchiefs, girdles and belts, waistcoats, sheepskins and thick long coats. The ceramics collection includes over 600 clay vessels acquired from the ceramics centres of Bacău county. More than 1000 pieces belong to the traditional occupations – agriculture, viticulture, fruit growing, animal breeding, bee culture, hunting and fishing, but also to handicrafts such as blacksmithing, cooperage, basket and large corn baskets manufacturing.
Keywords: museum, ethnography, semicentennial, anniversary, Bacău, foundation.
Cuvinte-cheie: muzeu, etnografie, semicentenar, aniversare, Bacău, înfiinţare.