Nae Ionescu is a famous figure within the university, editing and cultural – political landscape of the interwar city of Iasi, given his brightness of mind, oratory talent, pedagogical method and attitude. Creator of school and mentor of the “new generation”, exceptional journalist and very fine observer of the Romanian and international political scene, Nae Ionescu got also involved in the domestic political life, following successively the project for the return to the throne of Prince Charles, of the “peasant State” and, later on, the national Christian project of the interwar radical right. The role of theoretician of Legionary Movement assumed by Nae Ionescu, of very close counselor of Corneliu Z. Codreanu and then, of sworn adversary, of the authoritative regime of Charles II irritated the king and turned him into an undesirable character for the palatine milieus. His sudden death, occurred in the context “relaxation” between the Legion and the regime of Charles II of year 1940, resulted into an entire series of scenarios that suggest the assassination of Nae Ionescu by the king, as he was perceived as a deeply hostile element for the “reconciliation”.