Camelia Hristian, Reconstituirea, salvarea unor fragmente din imaginea Brăilei multiculturale de altădată și promovarea mozaicului etnic și a Muzeului Brăilei „Carol I”

MediCult – Revista de mediere culturală II (2023)


The Cultural Diversity Center of the „Carol I” Museum of Brăila reconstructs, saves, promotes fragments of the multi-ethnic image of Brăila (and Romania) of the past, starting, in particular, from family histories, organizes temporary exhibitions (opened within cultural events that also include conferences, presentations, recitals, workshops) − with objects, documents, photographs, works of art coming exclusively from private collections, from the heritage of ethnic communities or other associations and from archives from Romania, countries of origin and diaspora and runs unique cultural and educational programs, with topics that awaken nostalgia and soul-stirring. This kind of patrimonial reconstructions − history, urban realities, personalities, traditions, old jobs, the universe of family and childhood, intangible heritage, mentalities − presents a charm that manages to attract to the historical information and social categories less interested, usually, in the activities or publications of a museum.
„One Greek, two Greeks, three Greeks… Braila”, „Greeks, Jews, Lipovan Russians, Turks… Brăila. Reactivating the cultural memory of the city of Brăila”, „Roots”, „Travellers on the Danube and the Sea”, „Brăila. Fragments of a story”, „Where are you childhood…? Games and toys from the past”, „Perpetuum Țăndărică”, „School years. Memories and nostalgia… Supplies, school accessories, oracles and diaries, from the period 1880 – 1980”, „Heritage”, „Stories around the samovar”, „Goody, Sweetmeats, Lollipops, Gossip… Street vendors, confectionery and chocolate factories of yesteryear”, „Where are the snows of yesteryear…? The winter holidays in the interwar period and in communism”, „Children’s Friend. Books and magazines for children, after 1900”, „Brightness and color”, „Formerly Brăila. Vintage postcards and photographs”, „The story of my city”, „Vintage perfume. Daily life and fashion between the years 1900 – 1950”, „The symbol of flowers and plants in the beliefs, traditions and art of ethnic communities”, „Tales with honey… Honey over time and in the traditions and gastronomy of ethnic communities”, „At the table with… Greeks, Jews, Lipovan Russians, Turks, Bulgarians, Armenians and Aromanians. Spices and pomegranate in Mediterranean culture”, „Sound and colour. Musical instruments and wear items”, „Stories from yesteryear… Collections and collectors. Radios from the period 1923 – 1965”, „Annunciation”, „Servants of the Old Rite Church in Brăila”, „Spring / winter customs and traditions of Greeks, Jews, Lipovan Russians, Turks, Bulgarians, Armenians and Aromanians”, „Gold in the culture of ethnic communities. Emotional, cultural and financial value”, „Stories about Brăila, music and books. Cultural trips”, „My
object from the museum – Campaign to attract objects related to the universe of childhood and the universe of the family” are some of the projects of the Center for Cultural Diversity (some financed by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund or the City Hall of the Capital). We are open to new partnerships: exhibitions from private collections, exhibition exchanges, presentations via Zoom and Microsoft Teams, projects about cultural diversity, educational projects. Do not hesitate to contact us!