Revista „Cercetări istorice” – XL – 2021


During the 19th century, after 1860, the City Hall of Iași endorsed with consistent scholarships the specialization of the Romanian artists in Italy. The endeavours, the nominal proposals and the argumentation came from, in general, the director of the Art Academy (at the same time director of the National Art Gallery), Gheorghe Panaiteanu Bardasare. One of these scholars, the sculptor Dumitru Tronescu was in Rome between 1880 and 1884, training himself thoroughly, receiving precise instructions (in an interesting correspondence) from his professor of Iași, Panaiteanu-Bardasare. It was a mistake or the professional misconduct of the diplomat Constantin I. Mitilineu (in charge of preserving and managing the scholarships) that caused a conflict between him and the sculptor Tronescu. The documents in the Diplomatic Archive mention and describe the case in detail, the diplomat losing his job for abuse of office. The letters of Panaiteanu-Bardasare are found in the same place comprising professional advice and suggestions, concerns related to the posture and thorough training of an artist who, in his vision, had to fully justify the trust of those who supported his training, counting on his future contribution.