The 1784 uprising lead by Horea, Cloșca and Crișan represented in the Romanian painting of the Art Museum in Iași
Throughout time, historical facts and events have been subjects of inspiration for many artists, especially painters. This was also the case for the historical event of 1784 – the uprising led by Horea, Cloșca and Crișan. The three leaders of the 1784 uprising were even portrayed by painters contemporary with the event, and later by artists from different generations, including Gheorghe Popovici, Eugen Gâscă, or Gheorghe Brădățanu. This article analyses the works of these painters who addressed the theme of the 1784 uprising and whose works are in the heritage of the Art Museum in Iași.
Cuvinte cheie: Pictură, tematică istorică, răscoală, 1784, Horia, Cloșca, Crișan
Keywords: painting, historical theme, uprising, 1784, Horea, Cloșca, Crișan