Ciprian-Cătălin LAZANU, Adriana MIRON, Cosmin NIȚĂ, Cercetările arheologice pentru proiectul „Construire capacitate energetică Scobinți”, comuna Scobinți, județul Iași

Revista „Cercetări istorice” – XLIII – 2024

Archaeological research for the project „Building energy capacity Scobinți”, Scobinți commune, Iași county


Investment projects can be opportunities for large-scale archaeological research, such a project will be implemented on the territory of Scobinți commune, the project consisting of a wind farm with 19 specific installations for capturing, storing and transporting electricity. As part of this project, archaeological research was carried out to identify the possible archaeological heritage that could be affected. In this sense, archaeological field research and archaeological surveys were carried out for all the locations of the park by executing a number of 207 archaeological sections with a total area of 2331 sq m.

Archaeological research has led to the discovery of three archaeological sites that will be affected by the works necessary for the construction of the wind farm. Site S 01 is located in the area of Bădeni-Movila Grădiștei archaeological site, where a mound and archaeological materials belonging to the Precucuteni culture were identified. The S 07 turbine will be located inside a fortified settlement with a rampart and ditch, dated probably during the century V-III BC. An archaeological site unmapped until the moment of our research was identified in the area of ​​the turbine site S 010, where a burial tomb was discovered, belonging to the Sarmatian population and dated to the 2nd century AD.

Cuvinte cheie: Scobinți, diagnostic arheologic, Cultura Cucuteni, Cultura Noua, sarmați

Keywords: Scobinți, archaeological survey, Cucuteni culture, Noua culture, sarmathians