Corneliu CIUCANU, Activitatea politico-diplomatică a lui Take Ionescu în timpul Războiului de întregire și a Marii Uniri

Revista „Cercetări istorice” – XLIII – 2024

The political-diplomatic activity of Take Ionescu during the First World War and the Great Union


Coming from the middle class of pre-war Romania, graduate and Doctor of Law from the University of Paris, Take Ionescu became, shortly after completing his studies and returning to the country, a famous lawyer and a reliable politician. Analytical spirit, endowed with sparkling intelligence and an unbeatable oratorical talent, Take Ionescu was a deputy and several times a minister in various conservative governments and in those of conservative or liberal-conservative collaboration. He was admired, even adulated, by his political partisans and, equally, feared by his opponents. After the outbreak of the First World War, he becomes one of the most ardent propagandists of Romania’s entry into the war alongside the Entente, in order to achieve the ideal of national unity in the service of which he put all his political talent, brilliant rhetoric and work capacity, as well as mobilization of consciences. In this sense, he gives numerous speeches in different localities in the country, as well as in the Parliament. Under the parliamentary dome, the great Take stands out through a speech known and still famous under the name of the Politics of the National Instinct, a landmark of eloquence in the annals of the Romanian oratory.

Cuvinte cheie: politicieni, parlamentari, miniștri, diplomați, liberali, conservatori, guvern, Antanta, Puterile Centrale, război, armată, neutralitate, unire, ideal național, întregire națională, colaborare, tratative, tratat, recunoaștere, frontiere, aliați, convenție, disensiuni, armistițiu, pace, alegeri, dizgrație, demisie

Keywords: politicians, parliamentarians, ministers, diplomats, liberals, conservatives, government, Entente, Central Powers, war, army, neutrality, union, national ideal, national integration, collaboration, treaties, treaty, recognition, borders, allies, convention, dissension, armistice, peace, election, disgrace, resignation