Cosmin NIȚĂ, Câteva date privind evoluția istorică a mănăstirii Sihăstria Secului, jud. Neamț

Revista „Cercetări istorice” – XLIII – 2024

Data concerning the historical evolution of Sihăstria Secului monastery, Neamț county


The hermitage of Sihăstria Secului in the county of Neamț was founded by the Bishop of Huși, Ghedeon, around 1734, after which he dedicated it to Secu Monastery. The intention of this article is to reconstitute the historical evolution of the monastic complex from the first half of the 18th century up to the present, displaying information about the evolution of the monastic community during the 19th and 20th centuries, the fires and the rebuilding of the hermitage over time as well as some descriptions of the 19th century buildings. Another important aspect is represented by the administrative jurisdictions through which the monastery has passed, from the hermitage of Secu Monastery then of Neamț-Secu Monastery, from 1910 it returned to Secu Monastery and finally became a monastery in its own right from 1947.

Cuvinte cheie: Mănăstirea Sihăstria, ctitori, monahism, obște, reparații

Keywords: Sihăstria monastery, founders, monasticism, communities, repairs