The Agrarian Party doctrine in Romania. Context, political actors, debates
The article aims to review the specificity of the Peasant doctrine, both from the perspective of ideology as such and from the factual aspect of its concretization in the political formulas known during the Romanian interwar period (the Peasant Party and the National-Peasant Party, in particular). This background emphasizes the debates of ideas and the ways in which the different local political actors (who were directly or tangentially involved in the activity of the Romanian political formations declared as peasants or national-peasants), conceived models of action and reaction (in a pragmatic-electoral sense), or of Romania’s economic and social evolution. Irrespective of its ideological variations, as well as of the practical forms of concretization, the peasant doctrine belonged (undeniably) to the spectrum of parliamentary democracy.
Cuvinte cheie: România, țărănism, democrație, pluralism
Keywords: Romania, agrarianism, democracy, pluralism