Considerations on the architecture and urban planning of the city of Botosani in the 19th century
The article explores the architectural and urban development of the city of Botoșani throughout the 19th century, emphasizing its role as an important commercial center in Moldova. The changes in the social and ethnic structure of the city, reflected in its architecture, are analyzed. Initially, the city was dominated by Romanian merchants and craftsmen, alongside a thriving Armenian community. With the expansion of trade and Jewish immigration, the city experienced a diversification of guilds and a change in social dynamics. The article details the urban development of Botoșani, from the medieval fair to the modern city, highlighting the economic impact of the railways on the urban structure. The author emphasizes the importance of studying topographic plans for understanding the evolution of the city. In addition, the article highlights the significant contribution of the Jewish community to the economic and cultural development of Botoșani, as well as to the city’s architecture, especially after the great fire of 1887. In conclusion, the article provides a detailed insight into how economic, social factors and ethnic groups shaped the architectural and urban landscape of Botoșani in the 19th century.
Cuvinte cheie: arhitectură, urbanism, comerț, evoluție, comunitate evreiască
Keywords: architecture, town planning, trade, evolution, Jewish community