Narcis Dorin ION, Palate și case boierești din Iași

Revista „Cercetări istorice” – XLIII – 2024

Noble palaces and houses in Iași


We propose to the readers of the journal “Cercetări Istorice”, but also to lovers of photography with documentary value, the short story of 15 noble houses and palaces in the old capital-city of Moldavia. The article is illustrated with very valuable vintage images, which were gathered in a tribute album that the mayor of Iași, Osvald Racoviță, gave to Queen Maria of Romania in October 1935.

Built in different architectural styles, with generous proportions and luxuriously decorated interiors, the houses and palaces of the nobles in Iași have been speaking, for hundreds of years, about the refinement of the Moldavian nobility and also about a long-gone lifestyle.

The houses and palaces of the Moldavian nobles have had, over time, different destinations, from the status of private property to that of public utility, which they still have today. Many of them have been restored and can show todayʼs tourist the aristocratic image of a unique cultural city.

Cuvinte cheie: Iași, Moldova, casă, palat, arhitect, boier, Alecu Balș, Emanoil Balș, Alexandru Ghica, Iordache Rosetti-Rosnovanu, Alexandru Mavrocordat, Anastasie Bașotă, Nicolae Canta, Cantacuzino-Deleanu, Iordache Cantacuzino-Pașcanu, Petrache Cazimir, Dimitrie Cozadini, Constantin Catargiu, Leon Scully-Logotheti, Grigore Alexandru Ghica, Mihail Sturdza, Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Regina Maria, Regele Ferdinand I, Grigore Sturdza, Giuseppe Bayardi, Gustav Freywald, Paul Gottereau

Keywords: Iași, Moldova, house, palace, architect, boyar, Alecu Balș, Emanoil Balș, Alexandru Ghica, Iordache Rosetti-Rosnovanu, Alexandru Mavrocordat, Anastasie Bașotă, Nicolae Canta, Cantacuzino-Deleanu, Iordache Cantacuzino-Pașcanu, Petrache Cazimir, Dimitrie Cozadini, Constantin Catargiu, Leon Scully-Logotheti, Grigore Alexandru Ghica, Mihail Sturdza, Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Queen Maria of Romania, King Ferdinand I, Grigore Sturdza, Giuseppe Bayardi, Gustav Freywald, Paul Gottereau