Vasilica MÎRZA, Amintiri la împlinirea a 76 de ani de la absolvirea Facultății de Drept – Ioan V. Procopie din promoția 1939-1946

Revista „Cercetări istorice” – XLIII – 2024

Memories on the 76th Anniversary of graduation from the Faculty of Law – Ioan V. Procopie from the Class of 1939-1946


The recovery of the memories of 104 years old, one of the graduates of the Faculty of Law, of the first University in Romania, Mr. Ioan V. Procopie, born on December 5, 1919, in the commune of Solonț in Bacău County, has become a priority for me in 2022. The testimonies about the experience of the case studies carried out at the University of Iași between the years 1939-1946 and that of the mobilization at the front during the battles caused by the involvement of the Romanian army in the Second World War, reveal a new image of the University in refuge and some details from the ”intimacy of amphitheatres”.We will go through the audio – video together with the interviewee and some personal documents studied in the archive files, getting to know a tab in the history of Alma Mater Iassiensis through the present.

Cuvinte cheie: Ioan V. Procopie, absolvent, Iași, refugiu, memorie academică

Keywords: Ioan V. Procopie, graduate, Iași, refuge, academic memory