TUDOR COLAC, Grupurile familiale – tradiție și valorificare. Abordare sociologică

Anuarul Muzeului Etnografic al Moldovei – I / 2001


During the 20th century many new directions appeared in the evolution of different scientific disciplines. These directions also impose new methods of work, new filiation reports. The interdiscipline research offers new possibilities of turning ot good account of the information from related spheres this certain method allows us through ethnologie, sociologie, folk,ethnographic, deomographic, historie, lingvistic etc. point of view to investigate deepu a less examined domain – family groups wich generate and keep the popular art spirit. The big typologic variety of family creation is a proof of ethnic virtue and of the cultural dowry wich the romanian village brings to us during centuries with the help of ale generations, a dowry whieh includes an worhty national patrimony wich also played an exceptional role in our social an historic existence.

A sociologie investigation made by the author through 330 eciliped families from 19 founded in Moldova, allowe us to conclude that modern family, sa nucleus of society, simultaneous with its economic functions, became a fit in medium of achievement of creativity abilities of personality, of contacts and changes of art values with cultural popular funds, assuaring a non-stop proces of researches and innovations.

The sociologie enquiry approaches the issue wich deal with traditions and genuine popular culture, repertoir as a identity mark, propagation of art dawry to young generations, other different aspects fo creativity in families equiped with artistic grace.