In certain zones of Bucovine with a very scarce population (especially on the lower courses of rivers Suceava, Moldova and Moldoviţa) a population of Slavic origin (the Hutsuls) gradually penetrated, the immigrating process reaching its climax during the Austrian occupation. The geographic and occupational factor influenced the living style of the Hutsuls, being reflected in most aspects of material and spiritual life. Even if the differences to the Romanian autochthonous population are not considerable, there is also a series of particularities which can be more often observed especially in the folk architecture, starting from the organization of the household and ending with decorative elements of the house.
Two types of households prevail: the household with consolidated fence and pastoral household with the house and economic components spread within the yard. Elements composing the Hutsuls’ traditional household are made of crowns of split logs, wood being provided „on the spot”. Houses being usually built at considerable distances ones from the others and often deprived of practicable roads, they have been influenced only by the need of having sun, most frequently facing south or at least east. Planimetrically, two types of houses prevail: the house with an entrance hall and a room and the house with two living rooms separated by the entrance hall.
Wooden folk architecture of Moldoviţa is well preserved, providing the chance of the representation of an ethnic group which humanized in specific forms the mountain landscape. A valuable civilization resulted from these realities, evolving in tight and peaceful connection with the Romanians.