The fair takes place on the mountain named Găina (Hen) and is the most important popular feast in the area where Apuseni and Bihor Mountains interfere. In addition to a quick overview of this course of events, the article proposes to call into question and debate some of the problems less covered up until the present time, such as: the origin of the mountain’s name – Găina, the dates on which the feast has been organized, the existence of a “demarcation line” between participants from the regions neighbouring Găina Mountain and their positioning on the eve of and during the feast.
Keywords: borough, mountain, „crişeni” (inhabitants of villages along the river Criş), „moţi” (inhabitants of Ţara Moţilor, a region in the Apuseni Mountains).
Cuvinte-cheie: târg, munte, crişeni, moţi.