Within the typology of religious art objects belonging to the National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, we remark a special category, that of prosphora seals. These valuable pieces, part of Movileanu-Bobulescu Collection, stand out by the scrupulousness of handwork and the complexity of details. Part of the museum’s collection since 1999, when they were donated by the family of Constantin Bobulescu – a descendent of Movileanu family –, these prosphora seals, valued within different exhibitions, are unique pieces, testimonials of a long-forgotten craft and a mark of the spiritual richness of the Romanian people.
Keywords: cultural heritage, National Museum of the Romanian Peasant,prosphora seal, prosphoron, litie, cross, Jesus Christ, Holly Mother, crucifixion, Adam.
Cuvinte-cheie: patrimoniu cultural, Muzeul Național al Țăranului Român, pristolnic, prescură, litie, cruce, Iisus Hristos, Maica Domnului, răstignire, Adam.