Buletinul ”Ioan Neculce” al Muzeului de Istorie a Moldovei – XXI / 2015


Documented in 1401, although it is much older, the medieval city of Barlad has benefited from steps taken by the ruler Alexandru cel Bun (1408) for the Upper Region of Moldova, during his descendants, the city became the Governor residence of the Lowland of Moldova.

Some historians speak about a Princely Court in Barlad, but it has not been spotted archaeological. From Barlad, leaders such as Iliaș I and Stephen II (1435), Stephen the Great (1453, 1476), Petru Rares issued documents. There were large Barlad and military dignitaries (Ifrim Huru, 1546). Stephen the Great built a fortress of land, in order to prepare the anti-Ottoman offensive from the years 1475-1476. He privileges for people in Barlad and expanded estates of the city (1495).

The town suffered great destructions because of the attacks from Tartars (1439, 1440, 1444, 1450, 1574), Turks (1450, 1475, 1538, 1711, 1821), Cossacks (1574, 1648), Russians (1711, 1768, 1792 1812 ). Among the great military officials were Ifrim Huru, Petre Carabaș, Ion Hădăbaico, Dumbravă, Vartic. Some of them became leaders of Moldova: Ieremia Movilă, Vasile Lupu, Gheorghe Ghica. The town had a higher development during the 17th century. Prince Vasile Lupu has supported the economic and cultural development. In 1636 he built here Princely Church.

The town was visited in time by the leaders that while Ilias Voda, Stephen the Great, Petru Rares, Nicolae Mavrocordat etc. or famous travelers: the Bishops Marcus Bandini (1646), Paul of Aleppo (1652), Evlia Celebi etc.