Buletinul ”Ioan Neculce” al Muzeului de Istorie a Moldovei – XXII / 2016


Lady Elena Cuza, wife to Alexandru Ioan Cuza, the ruler who achieved the 1859 Union, led a long life, outliving her husband by several decated. She passed away on April 2 1909, at her home in the city of Piatra Neamț, aged 84. A discrete figure, wise, she overcame life’s hardships with dignity. Recent studies are trying to emphasize the magnitude of this great personality to a larger extent. The funeral took place on April 4 1909. We can learn a great number of details on the service from the report signed by protopope Constantin A. Ullea; the document is kept at the National Archives – Vaslui County Branch. The body of lady Elena was buried at Solești-Vaslui, by her mother, Ecaterina Rosetti-Sturdza, in the cemetery of the church her family built. The lady did not wish to be buried at Ruginoasa Palace, by her husband, because, at that time, there was talk of moving Cuza’s remains to Iași, in a mausoleum dedicated to the Moldavian princes. In the event of this happening, her remains would have been left alone, in the ground of a foreign domain.