Buletinul ”Ioan Neculce” al Muzeului de Istorie a Moldovei – XXII / 2016


Professor Gheorghe Băileanu was an influential figure of the museum studies developed in the city of Iași, a field that is too little known nowadays. His tireless work concerns the organization and operation of several establishments, among them the ”Mihail Kogălniceanu” Museum. It is for this reason that we hereby fulfill a gratifying professional duty of bringing to the attention of the public the biography and scientific work of this illustrious forefather. George Băileanu was a member of the Scientific Committee of the Museums and Monuments of Iaşi, and it was in this office that he did over 140 blueprints and sheets for buildings classified as historical monuments of Iaşi, which were of great and constant interest to him. His presence in this committe helped him include the Mihail Kogălniceanu Memorial House, that is now a museum of which he was first curator, on the List of historic monument. Given the fact that there were only two memorial museums in the city of Iaşi at the time, namely the „Ilie Pintilie”Memorial House and the Ion Creangă Bojdeuca (Hut), through Decision no. 31250/1955. The Regional Popular Council of Iaşi named Gheorghe Băileanu curator, with a view to transforming the house in which great historian and political figure Mihail Kogălniceanu lived, into a memorial museum, especially given the fact that, after the war, he repaired the building by means of great sums of money taken from his own savings. The ”Mihail Kogălniceanu” Memorial House was his last important cultural project, as well as his last place of residence.