Andreea Tacu, Accesibilitatea în muzee. Studiu de caz: Muzeul „Vasile Pogor”

MediCult – Revista de mediere culturală II (2023)


The motto EU established for itself in 2000 United in diversity highlightens one of the most important elements of this
multinational organism that is diversity. Considering the essence of this motto we cannot disregard the fact that it also refers to every community’s ability to include people with various impairments in its everyday activity. The museums, as an important part of every community, can act as a mediator or even facilitator in this sense. But in order for this to happen, many museums, especially those organized in buildings classified as historic monuments, need to adapt. This was also the case of the ”Vasile Pogor” Museum of Iasi, that after being restored from EU fundings, renewed its permanent exhibition making it more accessible to people with various impairments. The present paper presents the measures taken in this sense as well as the new exhibition of the museum from this perspective and also considers some further steps that could be made in order to make it even more accessible.