Ioana Filipescu, Arta europeană veche în contextul societății de astăzi. Galeria de artă europeană la Muzeul de Artă Cluj Napoca

MediCult – Revista de mediere culturală II (2023)


In 2025 the Art Museum in Cluj-Napoca will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the opening of the European Art Gallery at the Art
Museum in Cluj-Napoca. To mark this event of local and national importance, we point out the existence of the gallery as initially exhibited and presented in Mr. Negoiță Lăptoiu’s guidebook dated 1974. The study continued a scientific research activity that materialized through the organization of a quasi-permanent exhibition and the publication of the guidebook designed by Mr. Laptoiu. The current study of the collection will materialize through the complete publication of the European works of art held by the museum. The project seeks to comply with the provisions of Law no. 182 of October 25, 2000 regarding the protection of movable national cultural heritage (chapter II: research, inventory and classification, article 9); respectively Law no. 311 of 8 July 2003 on museums and public collections (chapter I: general provisions, article 4: main functions of the museum). The collection catalog will highlight the museum’s heritage for the purpose of knowledge, education and recreation of the public.