Valentina Druțu, Monica Nănescu, Oana Florescu, Mihaela Tudose, Otilia Aioanei, Catălin Hriban, Creativitatea – instrument al comunicării

MediCult – Revista de mediere culturală II (2023)


At the beginning of March 2023, a group of six specialists of ”Moldova” National Museum Complex of Iași, Romania, took part in the structured course Creativity Lab delivered by IDEC Training Center in Piraeus, Greece. The staff training activity was possible in the context of the implementation by the sending institution of a mobility plan in the framework of the Erasmus Plus Program. ”Moldova” National Museum Complex is one of the first museum organizations that have been awarded the Erasmus accreditation for the period 2021-2027, cod 2020-1-RO01-KA120-ADU-095246, in the field of adult education.
The mobility activity described in this paper took place as part of the second accreditation project implemented by the sending
organization, code 2022-1-RO01-KA121-ADU-000056403, covering the interval 01/06/2022 – 31/08/2023.