Cucutenian settlement Dobrovăț – Pădurea Buda. 2023 Campaign
In 2023, the investigations at L4 and L3 homes were completed. Another area opened up for L6 and L7 research. The western area, where the settlement’s defense moat is located, has been checked. At the same time, checks were also made in the wooded area of the settlement, where, according to Andrei Asăndulesei’s prospecting, there were other dwellings. Conclusions were drawn regarding L4, a sanctuary dwelling, with a floor and several annexes, which belongs to the second level of housing in the settlement. The L3 dwelling is also a one-story sanctuary dwelling, with two construction phases, connected to the two living levels (I and II). An altar with a monumental statue and a cup for offerings was set up on the first level. Later, in the next level, the layout of the construction protected the old altar. An altar with female anthropomorphic statues was discovered on the floor of the dwelling from this phase. Two pit houses, Groapa Mare and B8n (pit house with 8 levels of adobies), belong to the first dwelling level, which may be related to the sanctuary on the first level of L3. House L6 was partially investigated, and L7 fully. Both were disturbed by subsequent habitation, especially pits from the Cozia-Saharan culture.
Cuvinte cheie: Cucuteni A3, case, sanctuare și altare, inventar, fortificații, nivele de locuire
Keywords: Cucuteni A3, houses, sanctuaries and altars, inventory, fortification, level of habitations