Lavinia GRUMEZA, Ioan IAȚCU, Oglinda de tip sarmatic, recent descoperită la Păltinata, jud. Bacău

Revista „Cercetări istorice” – XLIII – 2024

A recently discovered Sarmatian-type mirror from Păltinata, Bacău county


The study analyzes a Sarmatian-type mirror that was recently discovered in 2024 at Păltinata-Baston, Gura Văii Commune, Bacău County. The pendant-mirror belongs to the Sarmatian mirror typology, characterized by two sides: one reflective and one decorated with solar motifs. Based on similarities with findings from the necropolises of the Sarmatian and Poienești-Vârteșcoiu cultures, the mirror can be dated to the latter half of the second century and the beginning of the third century AD. Although the stratigraphic context has not been documented, it may originate from an environment similar to the „Carpic”/ Poienești-Vârteșcoiu sites, where such mirrors are frequent. The findings indicate the influence of eastern traditions and Sarmatian migrations in the eastern Carpathian region.

Cuvinte cheie: cultura sarmatică, cultura Poienești-Vârteșcoiu, oglinzi, decor solar, spațiul est-carpatic

Keywords: Sarmatian Culture, Poienești-Vârteșcoiu Culture, mirrors, solar decoration, East-Carpathian region