Mădălin-Cornel VĂLEANU, Ornamentația exterioară a Trei Ierarhilor. Original și reproducere (II). Analiza bandourilor XVIII-XXII

Revista „Cercetări istorice” – XLIII – 2024

The exterior ornamentation of the „Three Hierarchs” church. Original and reproduction (II). Analysis of ornamental bands no. XVIII – XXII


Through the research done, we aim to present an answer to a question that troubles the scientific community and the general public, respectively: if following the restoration carried out at the end of the 19th century by the French architect Émile-André Lecomte du Noüy, the exterior ornamentation of the Three Holy Hierarchs Church of Iași still retains original elements. The research carried out was facilitated by the circulation of some photographs of the Three Holy Hierarchs Church of Iași before the start of the restoration in 1882, but also by some photographs taken in 2008 and 2010 during the last restorations of the monument. The research was based on a comparative analysis of the photos of the Three Holy Hierarchs Church Iași before the restoration carried out by the French architect and the current ones. In this second part of the study, it was presented the comparative analysis of the ornamental bands no. XVIII-XXII, highlighting the areas within these bands, where is still preserved the original ornamentation, from the 17th century.

Cuvinte-cheie: Biserica Trei Ierarhi din Iași, restaurare, analiză comparativă, original, reproduceri

Keywords: The Church of the Three Hierarchs, restoration, comparative analysis, original, reproductions