Although Radu Rosetti dedicates very Iarge biographical to general Emest O. Ballif, I consider that there are numerous aspects of his activity which have remained Iess known. Our study relied, mostly, on archive in formation Radu Rosetti didn ‘t ha ve access to.
Always present near the King family as a deputy, and !ater, as a counsellor, Ballf took part at the most important politica! events between 1916- 1 940.
Even in the economic area, the active and disciplined character of the „iron general” will come to Iight when he administrates the kingdom Domains or when he becomes a member of the Council of Administration of U.D.R.
Also, I Iooked for the way in which his contemporaries perceived the general Balliff s personality, appreciating the multiple qualities and regreting his disappeareance in a difficult moment of the national history.