Ştefania Cristescu-Golopenţia’s personal archive contains materials concerning two projects she undertook during 1938-1939. The first was a study of regional variation in charming on the basis of previous field-research in the villages of Drăguș, Runcu and Șanț. Runcu attested frequent evil eye charming by specialized agents, Șanț presented frequent love charms with aesthetically impressive formulas, while in Drăguș charms essentially concentrated on prosperity and were realized by means of magical gestures and objects mostly. The second project was devoted to magical rituals and beliefs concerning the integrity of the household in 35 villages from Țara Oltului and was based on three parameters: (a) the family; (b) the house and (c) the livestock. WWII and the communist regime prevented the publication of these materials, which remains to be assumed in the near future.
Keywords: Ştefania Cristescu-Golopenţia, ethnology, charming, magical rituals, household integrity, Sociological School of Bucharest.
Cuvinte-cheie: Ştefania Cristescu-Golopenţia, etnologie, descântat, ritualuri magice, integritatea gospodăriei, Școala Sociologică de la București.